【Member Benefits】 会员福利!

Use your SingCham Membership e-card for the following discounts and benefits. See here for instructions on how to access your e-card.

Special Preferential Offer at BR Aesthetic Medical Clinic
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
12% Discount at CINTA BLUES亲塔屋东南亚美食
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offers at CCTong
Valid Till:
31 Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offer at CEIBS 中欧工商管理学院
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offer at Ch22
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offer at Delta Health 上海德达医院
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
VIP Specical Promotion Deal at Element One
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offer at Pandan Leaves
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offer at 同程旅行
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
Special Preferential Offer at TASTY
Valid Till:
Dec 2024
10% Discount at Frankie's Place
Valid Till:
Jan 2024
Special preferential Durian and Durian Products Offer at Fairy Port
Valid Till:
Dec 2024