Membership Schemes

Membership Categories
1) A Singapore-registered legal business entity or organisation and has a branch, subsidiary, partnership, joint venture, representative office registered in China. E.g. parent company / organisation has to be in Singapore.
2) Singaporean-owned company with either Sino-foreign JV (SFJVs) or Wholly Owned Foreign enterprises (WFOEs) in China and proof of majority shareholding stakes.
Corporate Associate:
A company or organisation with business operations or interest in China but does not meet any one of the criteria for Corporate Membership.
Individual Member:
A Singapore-citizen, above the age of 21 years, possess a China residence permit (visa), resides in China, and works in a business-entity or organization registered in China.
Individual Associate Member:
An individual, above the age of 21 years, but does not meet any one of the criteria for individual membership.
Membership Benefits
As our member, you can enjoy exclusive access and enjoy the following key benefits:

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