InterChamber Women's Day Mixer 国际商会女性酒会

 On March 2, 2023, SingCham Shanghai, with the main organizer, AmCham Shanghai's Women's Executive Network (WEN), and 13 other partnering chambers celebrated the InterChamber International Women's Day with a cocktail mixer at Breeze x Hoegaarden in Found 158. More than 120 people attended the event.

2023年3月2日,中国新加坡商会-上海与主办方-上海美国商会Women’s Executive Network,及多家国际商会举办了国际商会女性酒会来庆祝即将到来的的国际妇女节。 酒会在Breeze x Hoegaarden举办。活动吸引了将近120位来自各国商会的会员,盛况空前。



Guests enjoyed a mini buffet with wine, beers and cocktails over conversations. Lucky draw prizes were sponsored by Julu Gin & AGS Worldwide Movers. SingCham EXCO and SingCham Women’s Network  (SWN) lead, Ms. Tina Ng, was one lucky winner! 

嘉宾们一边聊天,一边享受着美酒佳肴。当晚幸运抽奖环节的奖品由巨麓金酒Julu Gin以及AGS Worldwide Movers提供。在抽奖环节,黄丽娟女士(中国新加坡商会-上海委员、SingCham Women’s Network领袖)作为其中一位幸运儿抽中了奖品。




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Lucky draw


Special thanks to the main organizer - AmCham Shanghai, and other partnering chambers for this event: Benelux Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Colombian Chamber of Commerce, Czech Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, European-American Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Finnish Business Council Shanghai, IPWS, Irish Chamber of Commerce in China, MayCham China in Shanghai, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and the Thai Chamber of Commerce in China.





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InterChamber International Women's Day Celebration at Breeze x Hoegaarden in Found 158.