2023 Singapore Chamber of Commerce CHINGAY@Shanghai event held successfully in Shanghai

 2023年中国新加坡商会-上海 “妆艺大游行@上海”活动在沪盛大举行


On February 19th, jointly organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Singapore in Shanghai, SingCham Shanghai and Shanghai Singapore International School (SSIS), an event themed “Chingay @ Shanghai” was held in Shanghai. Mr Chua Teng Hoe, Singapore Consul-General in Shanghai, Mr Lucas Loh, Chairperson of SingCham Shanghai, and more than 800 guests gathered together at SSIS to celebrate the new year in our uniquely Singaporean way. This is one of the biggest overseas Singapore community events in Shanghai since 2020.



Group Photot


Since 2020, many Singaporeans in China have not been able to return home to be with their families. They miss their families, their motherland and traditional Singaporean festivals. This event brings a lively, traditional and unique festive atmosphere to the guests.


Mini Chingay Parade started off with Mr Chua Teng Hoe, Mr Lucas Loh and God of Wealth, walking behind the trishaw which was ridden by SingCham EXCO member, Mr Tim Wang, and with two young kids, along the parade tracks at school. Little Singapore ‘rabbits’ performed by SSIS preschoolers then came ‘hopping’ in. Four Chingay carts - DBS Cart, CapitaLand Cart, UOB Cart and OCBC Cart, ridden by Mr Chum Wei Wei, Mr Ervin Yeo, Mr Peter Foo and Mr Ang Eng Siong respectively, then toured around the parade track. Many spectators were so amazed by the tastefully decorated carts and trishaw and all rushed to have a picture taken with them.

活动伊始,蔡簦合先生、罗臻毓先生及财神爷尾随者由新加坡商会-上海委员-王铁先生骑着的三轮车入场。他们同与会嘉宾们挥手致意,互道祝福。紧随其后的是由SSIS幼儿部的孩子们装扮的新加坡小兔子及四辆绚丽的花车。曾炜炜先生,杨钦富先生,符懋赞先生及Ang Eng Siong先生分别驾驶星展银行,凯德,大华银行及华侨永亨银行的花车。这些装饰精美的花车及传统的三轮车给在场观众带来了惊喜,大家纷纷与之合影留念。现场热闹非凡。






Dragon and lion dance together to promote prosperity. There was a joyous dragon and lion dance performance. Following the “Lion Eye Opening” ceremony officiated by Mr Chua Teng Hoe, Mr Lucas Loh and SSIS Principal Ms Billie Leong, the parade reached a climax when the lions roared to life amidst the celebratory bursts of firecrackers. In this festive atmosphere, the guests hoped for a smooth sailing year with abundant harvests. 

欢腾的舞龙舞狮表演寓意着龙狮共舞,共促繁荣。蔡簦合先生,罗臻毓先生和SSIS校长Billie Leong女士在烟花炮竹的伴奏下为“狮”点睛,赋予狮子无限的生命力,将活动推向了高潮.


Lion dragon dance


Sincere voice, steady travel. Mr Chua Teng Hoe, Singapore Consul-General in Shanghai, and Mr Lucas Loh, Chairperson of SingCham Shanghai, delivered a speech at the event. Mr Chua Teng Hoe said “we should cherish the present and look to the future”. In the past three years, Singaporeans in China have rallied together to overcome difficulties. During the pandemic containment period in Shanghai in 2022, SingCham Shanghai, had joined hands with the Singapore Consulate-General in Shanghai and other members of the community to provide assistance to Singaporeans in Shanghai, keeping the kampung spirit alive in Shanghai. Today, as global trends continue to evolve and economic competition intensifies, Singaporeans in Shanghai should remain united and become stronger and better, together.

诚挚之声,稳健远行。新加坡驻上海总领事蔡簦合先生、中国新加坡商会-上海主席罗臻毓先生为此次活动致辞。蔡簦合先生表示,我们要珍惜现在,展望未来。过去的三年,新加坡在华同胞众志成城、共克时艰, 2022年上海疫情封控期间,中国新加坡商会-上海、新加坡众多社区、领事馆等携手为在沪新加坡人提供援助,“甘榜精神”活跃在上海。如今,全球趋势不断演变,经济竞争愈发激烈,新加坡在沪同胞要继续保持团结,从而变得更加强大与美好!


Mr Chua Teng Hoe

Speech addressed by Mr Chua Teng Hoe 蔡簦合先生致辞


Mr Lucas Loh said that SingCham Shanghai has always taken integrity and responsibility as the foundation and driving force for its long-term development, puts the interests of its members in the first place and helps them seek win-win results in the marketplace. Facing the year 2023, which is full of opportunities and challenges, SingCham Shanghai will continue to provide support and convenience for Singaporean enterprises and compatriots in China, build a bridge of sincere cooperation with the market, further enhance cohesion, influence and sense of identity. We always strive to become the largest, the most popular, the most prosperous, the best service brand chamber of commerce!



Mr Lucas Loh

Speech by Mr Lucas Loh 罗臻毓先生致辞


The event came to the traditional “Lohei” or “Prosperity Toss” where the guests gathered around the table to “toss up a good fortune”. Every ingredient of the “Lohei” has a symbolic, auspicious phrase which was called out as it was added to the dish. The guests then tossed the salad as high as possible into the air to welcome greater abundance, good fortune and prosperity in the coming year. On the same day, SingCham Shanghai also presented 15 awards in recognition of the outstanding contributions by the event sponsors and partners. Thanks to all enterprises for their strong support and hard work for this event.





Platinum and gold sponsor


Silve and bronze sponsor


Special recognition


A variety of activities were also set up, including traditional cultural games, food vendors, song and dance performances, Sichuan Opera-Face Change, lucky draws, etc. Through interactive activities in different areas, such as the animal interaction area, traditional culture area, game area and golf area, Singaporeans re-connected with each other and strengthened their bonds! A mouth-watering spread of Singaporean delights, including nonya kueh, Braised Pork Bun, Chicken Rice, Laksa and Oyster Omelette, were also prepared for guests! The Singaporeans present enjoyed the happy and festive atmosphere.








Performance 2


Lucky draw




List of vendor


After more than five hours, 2023 CHINGAY @Shanghai event came to a successful end, and a new journey began. In the New Year, SingCham Shanghai will develop more activities and events for all our compatriots with a broader vision. We will explore together and forge ahead, the future is promising! Last but not least, we would like to thank Raffles Hospital Shanghai for their on-site first aid support.

历经5个多小时,2023年新加坡 “妆艺大游行@上海”活动圆满落下帷幕,而新的征途正在开启。新的一年,中国新加坡商会-上海将以更加广阔的视野为各位同胞开拓更为先进的理念,一同探索,砥砺前行,未来可期!最后还要感谢上海莱佛士医院的现场急救支持。




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On February 19th, jointly organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Singapore in Shanghai, SingCham Shanghai and Shanghai Singapore International School(SSIS), an event themed “Chingay @ Shanghai” was held in Shanghai.