Highlights|New Year Chamber Mixer 商会新年联谊酒会 精彩看点
































































SingCham Shanghai was delighted to co-host the New Year Chamber Mixer with AustCham Shanghai and alongside four esteemed Chambers of Commerce: Colombia China Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong China Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, Irish Chamber of Commerce and New Zealand Business Roundtable in China at the splendid SingCham Shanghai and AustCham Shanghai member - Topgolf on the 1st of March.
中国新加坡商会|上海很荣幸能联合澳大利亚商会-上海以及其他四家商会: 哥伦比亚中国商会、中国香港(地区)商会、爱尔兰商会和新西兰中国商业圆桌会议于3月1日一同在拓高乐一新加坡商会上海及澳大利亚商会上海的会员餐厅共同举办了商会新年联谊酒会。