Looking Back at SingCham Shanghai’s 58th National Day Dinner

 回顾“携手前行 共迎缤纷大世界”新加坡 58周年国庆庆典晚宴精彩点滴!


2023年8月11日,为庆祝新加坡的58岁生日,中国新加坡商会(上海)举行了盛大的国庆庆典晚宴。作为后疫情时代的第一个大型国庆庆典,“携手前行 共迎缤纷大世界”旨在团聚来自各行各业的新加坡人及友人,共同欢庆这个激动人心的时刻。这次晚宴迎来约900名嘉宾共襄盛举,总共送出400多份奖品。

On 11th August 2023, in celebration of Singapore’s 58th birthday, SingCham Shanghai held a grand National Day Dinner. As the first offline NDD post-pandemic, “Into the New World: Onward As One” aims to gather Singaporeans and friends from all walks of life to mark the memorable occasion as one. The Dinner welcomed over 900 guests, and gave out 400+ prizes.


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Our event would not have been possible without our co-organiser’s and sponsors’ unwavering support. We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards our co-organiser Singapore Global Network, as well as our tiered sponsors and other sponsors.

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晚宴在傍晚时分拉开帷幕,陆续到场的嘉宾被玲琅满目的嘉年华摊位所吸引,纷纷跃跃欲试。飞镖、抛硬币、踩高跷、皮影戏、魔术、摇滚乐队… 无一不勾起大家温馨的童年回忆。大家看得目不转睛,更是玩得不亦乐乎,大呼过瘾。

The dinner kickstarted in the evening with a flurry of carnival activities. As guests arrived, they were treated to a delightful spread of games and mini-performances reminisce of childhood, such as darts, dime pitch, stilts, shadow play, magic show, and rock band. Exuberance was bubbling in the air as everyone mingled with friends, admired the exciting performances, and had a try at the game booths.


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Dinner officially commenced after everyone had a go at the thrilling carnival games. Mr Samuel Chong, renowned celebrity host from Singapore, specially flew in to emcee for the event, which added vitality to the programme.

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Enthusiastic singers first warmed up the crowd with a medley of familiar oldies.

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Next, the water drum performance lifted everyone’s spirits even higher.

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Mr Lucas Loh, Chairman of SingCham Shanghai, officially welcomed guests to NDD. He expressed thorough happiness at being able to celebrate National Day with Singaporeans and friends in such a setting, and also expressed sincere gratitude towards the event’s co-organiser Singapore Global Network and various sponsors for helping the event come to fruition. He noted that as life returns to normal, SingCham Shanghai will seize the opportunity to organise business-friendly opportunities to promote collaboration and networking. In future, SingCham Shanghai will also steadfastly uphold its mission to bridge China and Singapore, actively explore opportunities for mutual benefits, strengthen cohesion amongst the Singaporean community, and provide support for Singaporean enterprises in Shanghai.

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Mr Peter Tan, Ambassador of Singapore to China, also graced the event with his esteemed presence. He was heartened to witness this milestone event as it was his first time celebrating National Day in China, and noted how the huge turnout is an affirmation of the strong friendship  between Singapore and Shanghai. He encouraged Singaporeans in Shanghai and in China to continue to observe solidarity as one people.

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With Ambassador Tan’s well-wishes, Singaporeans on-site began to sing the national anthem and recite the pledge proudly as one.

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As the night passes, everyone enjoyed the festivities and delicacies and had a wonderful time.

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The lucky draws that went on for three rounds also garnered much attention and excitement. The audience yearned in anticipation, and erupted in cheers every time the result was announced.

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With the atmosphere gradually reaching the climax, Singaporean students put up a homely musical for everyone. “Home Is Where the Heart Is” is an original musical written by SingCham Shanghai Vice Chairman Mr William Chang. It depicts the story of 3 Singaporean students who have just arrived in Shanghai and are adapting to their new lives.

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As the special finale, Ambassador Tan belted out a classic Xinyao song together with Vice Chairman Mr William Chang.

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The night ended in high spirits with a mass sing-along.

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晚宴统筹组:;中国新加坡商会上海秘书处姚净萱女士、张菲女士;中国新加坡商会上海理事会 – 黄丽娟女士、陈荔荔女士、周依玲女士、杨国林先生






SAS SingMa 团队



NDD 2023 serves to commemorate our “kampung spirit”, while reminding all to be forward-looking and to build our shared future as one united people. A huge thank you goes out to all the staff and volunteers, who contributed tirelessly behind the scene:


NDD 2023 Organising Committee:

Advisor: SIngCham Shanghai Chairman Mr Lucas Loh

Chair & Project Lead: SingCham Shanghai Vice Chairman Mr Henry Cheng

Program & Sponsorship Team: SingCham Shanghai Vice Chairman Mr William Chang, SingCham Shanghai Executive Director Ms Catherine Thai, Volunteer Ms Irene Dou

Overall Coordination Team: SingCham Shanghai Secretariat Ms Jamie Yao and Ms Sophia Zhang; SingCham Shanghai Exco - Ms Tina Ng, Ms Tan Lee Lee, Ms Stephanie Chew and Mr Vincent Yeong

Publicity: Ms Sophia Huang



SingCham Shanghai Women’s Wing

Students from Fudan University, East China Normal University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Singapore Management University, and Singapore National Technological University

SAS SingMa Team



See you again next year!

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得知更多关于中国新加坡商会的详情 To know more about SingCham China:


SingCham has just launched an official SingCham mini App. Please scan the QR code attached to follow us. We are excited to see you in our future events.



得知更多关于中国新加坡商会(上海)的详情或有意加入会员To know more about SingCham Shanghai or join as member:


Please email SingCham@singcham-shanghai.org, and follow our WeChat account.

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On 11th August 2023, in celebration of Singapore’s 58th birthday, SingCham Shanghai a grand National Day Dinner. As the first offline NDD post-pandemic, “Into the New World: Onward As One” aims to gather Singaporeans and friends from all walks of life to mark the memorable occasion as one. The Dinner welcomed over 900 guests, and gave out 400+ prizes.