[SingCham Shanghai] Singapore‘s 58th National Day Dinner “Into the New World: Onwards as One” Opens Early Bird Corporate Table + Calls for Sponsorship!

【中国新加坡商会·上海】新加坡建国58年国庆庆典晚宴“携手前行 共迎缤纷大世界”现开售商务桌早鸟票 + 诚邀赞助!



Dear members and friends,

SingCham Shanghai is pleased to announce that this year, we will be celebrating Singapore’s 58th National Day at Shangri-La Qiantan (Shanghai) on Friday, 11th August 2023 with a grand dinner themed “Into the New World: Onwards as One”. Expect a fun-filled night with exciting festivities, homely delicacies and lots of socialising with friends old and new!

As the first major National Day celebration post-pandemic, “Into the New World: Onwards as One” aims to gather Singaporeans from all walks of life to mark the memorable occasion as one. Singaporeans demonstrated exceeding resilience, care and selflessness as one community during the pandemic, and this event serves to commemorate our “kampung spirit”, while reminding all to be forward-looking and to build our shared future as one united people.

The event will be graced by our Guests-of-Honour, the Ambassador of Singapore to China Mr Peter Tan, and Singapore Consul-General in Shanghai Mr Chua Teng Hoe. As always, this will  be an excellent networking opportunity with more than 800 distinguished guests  and senior government officials. 

Over the years, many generous members have contributed to the success of our national day celebrations This year, we welcome your company to consider giving its unyielding support by being one of our Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze table sponsor. Table sponsorships offers you the ultimate in recognition amongst our members and friends during the night of the dinner and beyond.  Benefits of being sponsors can be gleaned from our Sponsorship Options chart below. We look forward to your generous support as every sponsorship will contribute towards the event’s success.





中国新加坡商会·上海很高兴地宣布,今年我们将于8月11日在上海前滩香格里拉酒店举办主题为“携手前行 共迎缤纷大世界”的国庆庆典晚宴,庆祝新加坡58岁生日。这将是充满欢声笑语的一晚,不仅有着激动人心的表演和游戏,还有大家朝思暮想的家乡美味供大家品尝,不容错过!

作为后疫情时代的第一个大型国庆庆典,“携手前行 共迎缤纷大世界”旨在团聚来自各行各业的新加坡人,共同欢庆这个值得纪念的时刻。疫情期间,新加坡群体展现了超强的韧性和无私的关怀和奉献精神,守望相助,传为佳话。此次活动肯定了我们淳朴的“甘榜精神”,同时鼓励我们具备前瞻性的视野,团结一致向前进发,共同打造美好的未来。







Other than above sponsorship options, SingCham Shanghai also welcomes door gift sponsors and lucky draw sponsors. SingCham Shanhai has also prepared some corporate tables at VIP area for SingCham members and friends.




Kindly inform us of your decision by replying to singcham@singcham-shanghai.org before 21st July 2023.  Looking forward to your support. Thank you! 




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