Announcement – Appointment of Advisor to the SingCham Shanghai Committee

SingCham Shanghai is pleased to announce that Mr. Peter Foo Moo Tan, President and Chief Executive Officer of United Overseas Bank (China) Limited, has been appointed as SingCham Shanghai advisor with immediate effect. Here’s the biography of Mr. Foo.



Peter FOO Moo Tan
President and Chief Executive Officer

符懋赞 行长兼首席执行官

Mr Foo, was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in December 2016. An executive and non-independent director, he is a member of UOB China’s Executive Committee. Mr Foo is also a member of UOB Group Management Committee, and a non-executive director of Hengfeng Bank approved by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in December 2020.

Mr Foo joined UOB in 2011 as the Head of the Group’s Treasury and Global Markets business for its overseas subsidiaries and branches. He also served as President and CEO of UOB Thai from 2012.

Mr Foo has more than 30 years of experience in banking and financial markets. Prior to joining UOB, he served for 11 years at Fortis Bank, S.A./N.V. Singapore, where he assumed many management roles including the CEO, Asia Pacific Management Board member, Managing Director of Private Banking and Head of Global Markets. Mr Foo's previous professional experience also includes holding various executive positions at Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Bank of America, and Chemical Bank between 1988 and 2000. Mr Foo embarked on the career as management associate with Shell Singapore in 1987.

Mr Foo is the Director of AIIF Capital Partners Limited, the general partner of Asia Impact Investment Fund I L.P. He is also a Council Member of Capital Markets Policy Council (CMPC) of CFA Institute. Previously, he served as the Executive Committee Member and Regional Representative of South East Asia of ACI-The Financial Markets Association, Board Member of CFA Singapore, Council Member of the Association of Banks in Singapore and an independent director of SGX listed/Temasek’s CitySpring Infrastructure Investment Trust.

Tapping his international banking experience, Mr Foo leads UOB China to promote connectivity between China and ASEAN and contribute to Shanghai's development as an international financial centre. In recognition of his contribution, Mr Foo was awarded as a 2020 Shanghai Financial Industry Innovation Figure at the Shanghai Financiers Awards hosted by Xinhua News Agency. With his deep knowledge and understanding of over-the-counter trades and international financial derivative and commodity markets, Mr Foo is also appointed as the member of the first Market Development Advisory Committee by China Financial Futures Exchange effective from September 2021.

Mr Foo holds a Bachelor of Estate Management (Hons) from the National University of Singapore and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.


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符懋赞先生于201612月出任大华银行中国行长兼首席执行官一职。符先生既是大华银行中国董 事会执行董事,也是执行委员会成员,此外,符先生也是大华银行集团管理委员会成员,并于 2020 12月获银保监会核准担任恒丰银行非执行董事。

符先生于2011年加入大华银行,主管资金和环球金融部海外分支机构业务,并于2012年开始担任 大华银行泰国行长兼首席执行官一职。

符先生拥有30多年银行业从业经验。加入大华银行之前,符先生在富通银行任职11年,期间出任多 个管理职位,包括新加坡分行首席执行官、亚太董事会成员、私人银行新加坡董事总经理以及新加 坡分行环球金融部主管。此前,他的职业经历还包括于19882000年间,先后在美国纽约化学银 行,美国银行以及奧地利銀行担任管理职务。符先生的职业生涯始于1987年,作为管理培训生加入 壳牌公司新加坡分公司。

符先生是现任亚洲影响力投资基金公司(AIIF Capital Partners Limited)董事。同时,他也是CFA 会资本市场政策委员会的委员。符先生也曾担任国际金融市场协会(ACI)的行政委员会成员及东 亚区代表, 新加坡特许金融分析师学会(CFA Singapore)董事会成员, 新加坡银行公会 (ABS) 员以及淡马锡控股旗下新加坡交易所(SGX)上市公司新源基础设施信托的独立董事。

自履职以来,符先生运用其丰富的国际银行管理经验,积极带领大华银行中国推动中国与东盟在经 贸领域的互联互通,踊跃参与上海国际金融中心建设。为表彰他对上海国际金融中心建设所做出的 积极贡献,符先生在新华社主办的2020沪上金融家评选中,荣膺2020沪上金融行业创新人物。 基于其多年深度参与场外交易市场及国际主要金融衍生品和期货市场的业务经验,符先生自2021 9月起,被中国金融期货交易所授聘为第一届市场发展咨询委员会委员。
