【6月18日活动回顾】2024 新公司法倒计时:典型场景下的企业应对指引
On December 29, 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress approved significant amendments to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (the "New Company Law"), slated to take effect on July 1, 2024. Given its far-reaching impact on the organizational structure and conduct of companies, on June 18, SingCham Shanghai, in partnership with the esteemed law firm Rajah and Tann Singapore LLP Shanghai Representative Office (“R&T SRO”), organized a seminar on the New PRC Company Law to discuss the differences between the new PRC Company Law and the original Company Law and their practical applications in business scenarios with corporate leaders and industry professionals.
2023年12月29日,全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准了对《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称“新公司法”)的重大修订,该法将于2024年7月1日起生效。鉴于新公司法对公司的组织结构和行为具有深远的影响, 6月18日中国新加坡商会上海与知名律师事务所新加坡立杰律师事务所驻上海代表处合作组织了一场关于新公司法的研讨会,旨在与企业领导人和行业专家共同探讨新公司法与原公司法之间的差异及其在商业场景中的实际应用。
Ms. Zheng Haotian, International Counsel at R&T SRO, began by sharing an overview of the development of the Chinese company law across the past 30 years, from 1993 to 2023. Ms. Zheng emphasized that the 2023 revision of the Company Law is the most extensive legal revision of this law to date. During the sharing, Ms. Zheng also shared the impact of the New Company Law and related guidelines through five scenarios that companies may face as the legislation comes into effect.
In one of the scenarios, Ms. Zheng explained the impact of the New Company Law on businesses through the example of "a company facing upcoming funding deadlines and liabilities". Ms. Zheng explained that the original Company Law did not set a time limit for payment of registered capital. However, under Article 47 of the New Company Law, companies were required to pledge their contributions within five years. Under Article 266 of the New Company Law, the requirement is also applied to existing companies and specifies a corresponding grace period for the adjustment of funding for existing companies.
During the Q & A session, participants sought clarifications on the five scenarios that Ms. Zheng shared. Ms. Linda Qiao, the Head of R&T SRO, and Ms. Zheng also patiently answered questions raised.
Firstly, a participant asked about the issue of company bankruptcy liquidation. Ms. Zheng believes it shall be resolved based on whether the company's assets are greater or less than its liabilities at the time of liquidation. Ms. Zheng also provided a detailed explanation on handling cases where shareholders transfer shares without fully paying their capital contributions. Participants also raised questions about issues such as creditors "disappearing" during company dissolution, discovering unpaid registered capital during client contracts, discrepancies between registered capital and paid-in capital, the difference in legal effects between notices and announcements, and the joint liability of the transferor. Ms. Zheng and Ms. Qiao carefully listened and provided detailed answers, helping participants clarify the intricacies related to the New Company Law.
The New Company Law represents a transformative shift in China's corporate governance landscape, offering both challenges and opportunities for businesses. The insights and guidance provided during the seminar are invaluable in navigating this transition, helping companies to align their governance practices with the enhanced legal standards and position themselves for sustainable growth in the evolving business environment. We hope to maintain strong collaboration and ties in the business community to navigate complex business environments together.
This event was made possible by the joint efforts of SingCham Shanghai and R&T SRO, with support from Singapore Global Network and CapitaLand Bridge+. We also extend our gratitude to our promotional partners, the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and SingCham Jiangsu, as well as our sponsors, Element One and CCAN. We thank all participants and partners for making such a meaningful event possible.
本次活动是由中国新加坡商会上海与新加坡立杰律师事务所驻上海代表处的共同努力下得以举行,同时也得到了新加坡全球联系司和凯德奕桥的支持。我们还向我们的推广合作伙伴中国香港(地区)商会和中国新加坡商会江苏,以及赞助商Element One和CCAN饮料表示感谢。我们感谢所有参与者和合作伙伴,使这次活动变得如此有意义。
Written By: Kyle 朱古力、Zach 苏智泓
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